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Why the Kurajo. Sake Brand is Regarded as a “Visionary Sake
The flagship brand "the kurajo._The Black Label"
is produced by "the sakeraku.",
the sakeraku. s most important brand.
The kurajo. sake brand is mainly sold overseas,
so in Japan, it is sold at the sakeraku. online store,
the directly-managed iriguchiya store,
and at famous sake bars and restaurants. In addition,
“the kurajo's Black Label” is a one-of-a-kind sake brand that
can only be consumed in famous sake bars and restaurants.
the black label Info
Flagship model of "the kurajo.".
the black label
The first step to introduce "the kurajo."!
This brand offers a selection of basic sake from "the kurajo.".
You can enjoy mainly dry sake, junmai sake, junmai ginjo,
junmai daiginjo, and daiginjo.
Twenty kurajo are available for comparison.
Two types of Black Labels
Black Label” has two types of brands: standard and premium.
The standard type is mainly junmai sake and junmai ginjo. The
premium type is mainly junmai ginjo and junmai daiginjo, with
a black label and silver type face for a sense of luxury.
The standard
The premium
The Black Label is a selection of kurajo's most basic sake.
The selection includes dry junmai sake and junmai ginjo, which are easy
pair with food, and junmai daiginjo, which goes well with light dishes,
salads, fruit, and other dishes where the ingredients are used to their fullest.
The labels are also labeled with a sake degree of +/-,
so you can select the sake that best suits your tastes.
Check Label
Japan is approximately 3,000 km long from east to west
and from north to south.
Although they are the same Japan, rice and water in the north,
rice and water in the east, and rice and water
in the west offer very different tastes of sake.
Sake vessels created in collaboration with Ryota Aoki, a ceramic artist
and winner of numerous ceramic awards and a TV program “Jyounetsutairiku” .
窪島 衣通絵氏
The standard
特別純米酒/Tokubetsu Junmaisyu 日本酒度:±0 ¥2,200(税込)
The premium
純米大吟醸/Junmaidaiginjo 日本酒度:-2 ¥3,190(税込)
女性蔵人 森喜 るみ子氏/女性杜氏 豊本 理恵氏
伊賀忍者の里、松尾芭蕉生誕の地として知られる三重県伊賀地方は、実はおいしい米と水の 故郷です。その地に位置する森喜酒造場は、すべて手造りの少量生産。それゆえに希少価値も 高く全国の美酒マニアたちに注目されている蔵元です。
The standard
特別純米酒生酛仕込み/Junmaisyu Kimotosikomi
日本酒度:+8.0 ¥2,212(税込)
女性杜氏 長谷川 聡子氏
和歌山県の田端酒造六代目蔵元の娘の長谷川聡子氏。田端酒造では女性の蔵人がはじめての ことで、杜氏の指導のもと「いつか自分のお酒が造りたい」という想いを胸に酒造りを行っています。
The standard
純米吟醸/Junmaiginjo 日本酒度:+2 ¥2,599(税込)
The premium
純米大吟醸/Junmaidaiginjo 日本酒度:+3 ¥5.970(税込)
蔵人女将 美川 久美子氏
The standard
山廃純米吟醸 無濾過生原酒/Yamahai Junmaiiginjo Murokanamagensyu
日本酒度:-3 ¥2,421(税込)
The premium
山廃純米大吟醸 無濾過生原酒/Yamahai Junmaidaiginjo Murokanamagensyu
日本酒度:±0 ¥3,334(税込)
女将 西山 桃子氏