女性蔵人 高木 梨佐氏/山田 麻里氏/加藤 彬江氏

Okuhida Sake Brewery (formerly Takagi Sake Brewery) was founded in 1720,
Kyoho 5 of the Edo Period, and has been brewing sake in Hida Kanayama Town for over 300 years.
This area borders Hida and Mino, and is surrounded by abundant water all year round between the Maze and Masuda Rivers.
奥飛騨酒造では、その伏流水の地下水脈から仕込み水を汲み上げています。 伝統を守りながら、新しい企画に続々と挑戦している活気あふれる酒蔵です。

The Okuhida Sake Brewery is surrounded by the rich nature of Gero City, Gifu Prefecture. Currently,
there are three female brewers working at the brewery.
The brewing water at the Okuhida Sake Brewery is a high-quality medium-hard water.
The town of Kanayama is crossed by the Maze River and the Masuda River, where natural sweetfish and char live,
and melted snow from the deep mountains of Hida flows into the river.
Okuhida Sake Brewery draws its brewing water from underground veins of this subterranean water.
It is a vibrant sake brewery that is constantly trying out new projects while preserving tradition.




送料 ご購入セット数により送料が異なりますのでご注意ください。

お支払い クレジットカード、銀行振込、代金引換がご利用いただけます。