はつもみぢは酒蔵として、目指す姿移りゆく自然を日本の酒で届けるという目標を掲げています。 島国である日本は、豊かな自然に囲まれた移りゆく国です。
Bringing the changing nature through Japanese sake.
As a sake brewery, Hatsumomiji's goal is to bring the ever-changing nature of Japan to you through Japanese sake.
As an island nation, Japan is a country in transition, surrounded by abundant nature.
In coexistence with nature, people have always been able to sense not only the four seasons,
but also the detailed changes in the 72 weather patterns of the 24 seasonal divisions.
We would like to deliver Japanese seasonal sake, which is made by connecting the roles of nature and people, to our loved ones.
We believe that this work will eventually lead to the future of sake culture in Japan.
女性杜氏 阿部 美恵氏
所在地:山口県周南市飯島町1丁目40番地 |