愛知県西尾市の幡豆地区は、三河湾国定公園に指定され、眼前に広がる大海原には“前島”、“沖ノ島”といった小島が点在し、変化に富んだその美しさは“東海の瀬戸内海”とも称されています。創業以来、この地を舞台に営々と酒造りひと筋に歩んできた造り酒屋です。 幡豆の豊かな自然が育んだ水と、澄んだ空気、そして独自の酒造りノウハウのハーモニーから生まれた製品群の数々は、主力ブランド「尊皇」、「尊王」をはじめとして酒販店、消費者の方々から高い評価をいただいています。


Sake brewery spreading together with the "Seto Inland Sea of the Tokai".
The Hazu area in Nishio City Aichi is designated as Mikawa Bay National Monument Park, and small islands such as "Maejima" and "Okinoshima" are scattered in the ocean which spreads before our eyes, its beauty which is varied is "Seto in Tokai It is also called sea".
Since its foundation, it is a brewery shop that has been walking in a lot of sake brewers with this place as a setting.
With the water that nurture oneself, clear air, and proprietary techniques of sake making in Born from harmony is many sake major brand of "sonnou" such beginning with we have received high praise from everyone.

Sake is a gift from the culture, We will continue to talk with nature, and we will continue to dialogue with people of drinkers, we would like to deliver richer taste.

女性蔵元:山﨑 充千江氏

所在地:〒444-0703 愛知県西尾市西幡豆町柿田57