Trademark Registration 蔵女 the kurajo. Kimoto Junmai Genshu(生酛純米原酒) BOX included

Trademark Registration 蔵女 the kurajo. Kimoto Junmai Genshu(生酛純米原酒) BOX included

販売価格: 5,115円(税込)

在庫数 300点






This is a special junmai sake brewed by letting nature take its course. Enjoy it lukewarmly warmed in the cold winter.

the kurajo. Kimoto Junmai Genshu BOX included

Bottle size  720ml

Ingredients Rice(Japanese)・malted rice(Japanese)

Material rice Sake rice produced in Eiheiji Town, Fukui Prefecture

Rice Polishing 80%

Nihonshu-do +10

Alcohal 19%

●Drinking alcohol under the age of 20 is prohibited by law.
●Pregnant women should not drink. It will adversely affect the fetus.

Planning and production: 酒楽。the sakeraku.
Produced by: Nyu Shuzo Brewery Co.
Location:18-3, Tenno, Echizen-cho, Nyu-gun, Fukui


蔵女 生酛純米原酒

内容量  720ml

原材料名 米(国産)、米こうじ(国産米)

使用米 福井県永平寺町産九頭竜100%使用

精米歩合 60%

日本酒度 +6.5

アルコール分 17度


企画プロデュース:酒楽。the sakeraku.