
創業1844年(弘化元年)。秩父の山々につながる周囲は大自然に囲まれた人口一万人の越生の町で長年酒造りをしてきた蔵です。年間の生産量は約500石。20代を中心とした4名で「目の行き届く量で丁寧に」手造りのお酒造りを行っている活気あふれる蔵元です。越生唯一の酒蔵で、創業以来初となる女性杜氏が誕生しました。 26歳の佐藤麻里子さんはきめ細かやさ、きれいな状態で酒造りがしたいとお話しされました。 佐藤さんが初めて作ったのは女性にも飲みやすい日本酒です。
Founded in 1844 (first year of Hiroza). The area around Chichibu 's mountains is a warehouse that has been making sake for many years in Ogi - no - kuni city with a population of 10,000 people surrounded by nature. The annual production volume is about 500 stones. It is a vibrant brewery that is doing sake making handmade with carefully "the amount that can reach the eye" with 4 persons mainly in their 20's. Ogoshi's only sake brewery, the first woman to be born since its founding. Mariko Sato, 26 years old, said that he wanted to make sake with fine grain and beautiful condition. Mr. Sato made sake for the first time, it is easy to drink sake for women.

所在地: 〒350-0405 埼玉県入間郡越生町大字津久根141-1

戦国時代、信州より越後へ移り住み開墾した後、江戸後期より酒造りを始めました。酒造りを営み続けて170余年、恵まれた環境の中、優秀な酒米と清らかな水を原料に、受け継がれた技と道具を用いながら、先人たちの熱い思いと絶やさぬよう蔵人一丸となって酒造りをしています。 また、蔵を切り盛りするのは女性の長谷川専務、営業担当を娘の裕子さんが行い、酒蔵の歴史と味を守り続けています。
In the Warring States Period, after moving to Shinju from Ehigo to Echigo and cleansing, I started making sake from the late Edo period. Over 170 years sincecontinuing to work on sake brewing, in a privileged environment, with excellent liquor rice and clean water as raw materials, using thetechniques and tools inherited, the warehouses become all-rounded so that the forerunners' I am doing sake making. Also, it is the female managing director Hasegawa, the sake brewer is Mr. Shoro'sbrother, and his daughter Yuko performs his sales department, keeping history and taste of sake brewery.

所在地:〒940-1105 新潟県長岡市摂田屋2-7-28
今から210余年前の1806年、上志比の庄で酒造りを始めました。永平寺テロワールで生産量を追わず、風土から来るおいしさを極めるために、手造りによる丁寧な酒造りを行っています。麹は全量手造り、米洗いも限定吸水、仕込みごとの個性を大切に、米と水の力を最大限にいかす郷酒は、「明日への力水」で「濃醇できれいなお酒」を目指してます。 そして、真摯に米作り、酒造りの進化に尽力します。 杜氏は、蔵元の次女 吉田真子さん。営業、製品、田圃担当は、蔵元の長女夫婦 吉田大貴さん、祥子さん。そして蔵人は永平寺町在住で、春から秋には一緒に米作り、冬には酒造りをしています。白龍は、お客様の笑顔のためにこれからも、米作り、酒造りをとことん追求していきます。
I started making sake at the Shoji River in 1806 before 210 years from now. We are doing polite sake making by handmade in order to make the deliciousness coming from the culture climate without pursuing production amount at Eiheiji Terroir. Rice wine which maximizes the power of rice and water, cherishes the whole amount of handmade koji, cherish washing also limits water absorption, cherishing the personality of each preparation, the "rich and beautiful sake" in "power to tomorrow" I am aiming. And we will make rice seriously and will devote ourselves to evolution of sake making. Masashi is Ms. Mako Yoshida, the second daughter of the brewery. Sales, product, and paddy field responsibility are the eldest daughter couple Kurumoto Yoshida, Shoko. And Kuran lives in Eiheiji Town, I make rice together from spring to autumn and I am making sake in winter. White Dragon will continue to pursue rice making and sake making in the future for our customers' smiles.

所在地:〒910-1325 福井県吉田郡永平寺町北島7-22
Tenryo began home in Omi Hino Uenoda.Building a ground in the Ohmi district as a vassal of the Ujisato Gamou, he called Sahe Hinoya, and since the beginning of the Edo era, he was peddling around Honshu one yen from Kousyu Hino. After that, we set up a store in Hida for trading, I was fascinated by the fineness of Hida's humanity, the beauty of nature, the beauty of customs, I lived in this place and started doing Japanese sake brewing while selling goods.In the Meiji Era it began to do the sake brewing business as a family business, and in 1951 it became a corporation as "Tenjyo Shuzo Co., Ltd." and it has reached the present. Sahee Hinoya who loved the nature of Hida and loved humanity is a spirit of spirit. Continuously inherited to the eighth generation of modern times, the favorable rice liquor brewed under the natural grace of Hida "Hida Honare". We use groundwater from the Hida mountain range, stick to our own polished rice, and continue growing to the world who makes sake of Hida.

飛騨山脈からの地下水を地下30メートルから汲み上げた正真正銘100%天然水を使用しています。 このお水は軟水で日本酒造りには最適な、天然の無菌水です。蔵の前にはその水を楽しんでいただける深井戸水を設置し地元の方々に親しまれています。
Underground water from the Hida Mountains was pumped up from 30 meters underground, 100% natural water is used. This water is perfect for Japan sake making with soft water natural sterile water. Made a deep well that is popular with the local people you can enjoy the water in front of the brewery.

所在地:〒509-2517 岐阜県下呂市萩原町萩原1289番地の1
熟練した杜氏(とうじ=酒造りの職人)の手作業で造り 、原料米は全て生産者のわかる地元・岐阜県産米を使用。仕込水は水道水は一切使用せず、天然水(岐阜県名水50選の地下水)を使用しています。蔵の創業は天明7年(1787年)と伝えられており、当時は岩村藩御用達の運送業を本業とし、酒造業は副業でした。明治になり岩村藩が消滅したことで酒造りが本業となり、その後大正10年に株式会社を設立、同時に味噌、しょうゆ、みりん、焼酎なども造るようになりました。しかし、戦後からは日本酒の専業メーカーとして日本酒を造っています。
Skilled “toji”(toji=Sake making craftsman) Made by hand, we are using the local Gifu Rice, which the producers can see. Do not use tap water at all, we are using natural water (groundwater of 50 water of Gifu Prefecture). The brewery was founded in 1787 and at that time was the trucking business of the Iwamura clan, and the brewing industry was on the sideline. In the Meiji era, the disappearance of the Iwamura clan became the main occupation of liquor, established a corporation in Taisho 10, at the same time, miso, soy sauce, mirin, shochu, etc. were also built. However, after the war, I have made sake as a specialized manufacturer of Japanese sake.
Although the amount of snow is small in Iwamura town, in January and February, it is very cold and the steam rises when the water is put out well -15 days below ℃ will continue for days. Even in the summer, the brewery's temperature is ℃ below 20, making it the perfect environment for Japan liquor and sake storage. Even under such a privileged environment, the taste of sake to be different every year.

Meaning of“玲瓏馥郁(reihoufukuiku)”is shine like transparent, and drifting smell good. Doing this in the belief.Water is important thing in brewing. Pumped the natural water from two a well dug in about 400 years ago, we have used.This natural water used for the charged water, tap water is not used at all. Land Iwamura town is blessed with very water. In the basement layer that is a bedrock has flows incessantly clean water. The time of brewing, it may well water is empty, but if you after 3 hours, will be restored. In addition, in the most appropriate water to the natural water is brewing, high technology and good quality of the water quality of the master brewer will exudes exquisite taste in sake.

所在地: 〒509-7403 岐阜県恵那市岩村町342番地
清酒「千古乃岩」は、越後杜氏伝承の技によって、品質一筋に丹精込めて醸造する岐阜の地酒です。明治42年(1909年)創業者の中島重蔵は、この地方の巨石「稚児岩」にあやかって、千年の時を想い「千古乃岩」と名付けました。岐阜の気候や風土と共に絶妙なバランスで造られる、静かで芳醇な岐阜の地酒です。岐阜県土岐の山あいにある稚児岩と呼ばれる巨岩は、長さ18m、高さ18m、重さ推定13,125トン、土岐市の天然記念物にも指定されています。この巨岩は、めでたい岩とされており、子宝に恵まれると伝えられています。400年ほど昔、子宝に恵まれない夫婦が観音様のお告げによって山道を歩いていると、この岩に行きあたりそこでお祈りをすると珠のような子供を授かったと言われています。また、 武蔵坊弁慶が持ってきたという逸話も残っています。
Sake”Chigonoiwa” is by the work of Echigo master brewer lore, Gifu sake brewing painstakingly to quality ray. 1909, is Shigezo Nakajima of the founder, Based on the region's megalithic "Chigonoiwa" The time of a thousand years was named desire "Chigonoiwa". It is brewing in perfect balance with the Gifu climate It is quiet and mellow Gifu sake. When the drink lock smiling ice, Drink in more refreshing. Huge rock called Chigonoiwa in Gifu Prefecture Toki of mountains, Length 18m, height 18m, weight estimated 13,125 tons, Also as a natural monument of Toki has been specified.This huge rock, which is the auspicious rock, has been reported to have a healthy baby. Once upon a time about 400 years, When the husband and wife do not blessed with baby is walking a mountain road by Kannon of revelation, Go to this rock, it is said when you pray and was blessed with a child, such as a pearl. In addition, Benkei Musashibo has also remained a story that was brought.

焼き物の一大生産地、岐阜県土岐市多治見市周辺はぶ厚い粘土質の地盤が広がっています。地下水がその層を通ることによって天然のフィルターの役割を果たし、軟水の中でもとりわけ軟度の高い軟水になります。清酒「ちごのいわ」の仕込水は、その地盤の地下45mから汲み上げる三国山系伏流水を使用しています。水質は清酒の品質を劣化させる鉄やマンガンなどの金属含量が少なく、清酒製造に非常に適しているのが特徴です。WHO(世界保健機構)飲料水水質ガイドラインに沿うと硬度7の超軟水(硬度60以下が軟水)となります。硬度10以下の水は、軟水の中でも非常に少ないものです。 この水を仕込み水にすることにより、ゴクゴクいけてしまうくらい柔らかい飲み口の日本酒になります。
A major production area of pottery, around Tajimi City, Toki City, Gifu Prefecture, the soil of thick clay quality is spreading. Underground water plays the role of natural filters by passing through the layers, it becomes water with a high degree in softness . The charged water of "chigonoiwa" is pumped up from the underground 45m of the ground. The quality of the water is very suitable for the production of sake with less metal content, such as iron and manganese, which makes the liquor worse. The drinking water guideline of the WHO (World Health Organization) is a soft drink of hardness 7. The water below the hardness of 10 is very Less even in soft water. It becomes easy to drink and soft sake by making it to the charged water.

所在地:〒509-5401 岐阜県土岐市駄知町2177-1
「蔵元やまだ」のある所は旧名で「玉井」といわれ、これは 「玉の井戸」からつけられた地名です。堀井戸から汲まれた水は、仕込み水にもなっています。 明治元年創業以来この地で、「喉ごしが良く、飲み飽きのしない酒、甘い辛い、端麗濃醇ということに関係なく、とにかく長く付き合える酒」を理想として酒を醸し続けています。最近、食文化において「顔が見える」「安全だ」という考え方が定着してまいりました。何処で、誰が、どの様にして作ったかが解らないものより、身近なもので「顔が見える」食品を…と言う声は各メディアを通し拡大しています。そこには価格競争を重視するための農業の大量生産化、海外依存度の高さが上げられると思います。 大量生産を追及するため色々な薬剤(農薬、化学肥料など)を使用し、コストだけで海外のものに依存した結果ではないでしょうか。そんな中で、国産のお米を使い、古来より伝わる水を使い、その土地の環境によって育まれ醸し出される「日本酒」、古事記の時代より日本人に最も親しまれ、あまりにも身近すぎて気がつかない「日本酒」。まさに日本酒の文化は「顔が見える」「安全だ」と言う現在の食文化にぴったり当てはまります。
The place of "Kuramoto Yamada" is the former name "Tamai", which is the name of the place attached from "Jade Well". Water drawn from Hori well is also charged water. Since the founding of the first Meiji era, I have continued to drink sake in this place as an ideal "ideal for my throat, alcohol that does not get tired of drinking, sweet hot, irresistible thick, anyway long drinking liquor".Recently, the idea of ​​"looking at the face" and "safe" has been established in the food culture.The voices calling for foods that are familiar and "I can see the face" are expanded through each medium, rather than those who do not know how and how they made it.I think that mass production of agriculture to high importance on price competition, high degree of dependence abroad can be raised there. It is a result of using various medicines to pursue mass production, depending on the overseas only by cost. Meanwhile, "Japanese sake" is produced that is cultivated and bred by the environment of the country, using domestically produced rice and the ancient water. "Japanese sake" is most familiar to Japanese people from the era of Kojiki, too close to being aware of. Indeed, the culture of sake fits perfectly with the current food culture that "looks at face" "safe".

古来より伝わる岐阜の銘水である、八百津 五宝滝の水を使用しています。 木曽川水系の上流から天然の水が流れ込む伏流水を、堀井戸で汲み上げており、仕込み水にもなっています。 「蔵元やまだ」のある所は旧名で「玉井」といわれ、これは 「玉の井戸」からつけられた地名です。
It uses water of the Yaotsu five waterfall which is the famous water of Gifu which is transmitted from ancient times. Water flowing from upstream of Kiso Basin to undercurrent water, well water used.The "Brewery Yamada" is an old place name named Tamai, and this is named the name from "Ball Well".

蔵元:蔵元やまだ(合資会社 山田商店)
所在地:〒505-0301 岐阜県加茂郡八百津町八百津3888の2
創業明治27年。各務原の地で百余年。現在は、五代目当主となる蔵元が杜氏となる地酒蔵。伝承技の完全発酵にこだわり米の旨みを最大限引き出した"ほっとする旨みのある酒"を『自然音楽』 響く酒蔵で旨酒を醸す… 蔵に響く『自然音楽』 は原材料の一つかのように小町酒蔵の酒造りには欠かせないものとなっております。酒は人が造るものでなく生物が醸すものという想いで、発酵力を最大限に引き出す事を重視し、伝承技である醗酵自体の自然終息、つまりは酵母が自然な状態で発酵を終息するという「完全発酵」にて、”旨味あるほっとする酒”を醸しております。蔵人の役割は、酒の発酵に携わる微生物の醗酵環境をより自然に近づけることが役割で、データもさることながら、酒の面を観ながら、発酵力を最大限に引き出す事に重きを置いています。その結果、米の「旨み」が程よく膨らみ、口中で旨いと感じるボディ感と、水のやわらかさからくる後味さらりとやわらかでキレある酒が醸しだされるのです。
Founding Meiji 27 years.A hundred years in the area of ​​Kakamigahara. Currently, the sake brewery that will become the master of the fifth generation Local sake storehouse.We stick to the perfect fermentation of traditional techniques, bring out "the relieved tasting sake" to the utmost, with the "natural music" echoing the sake brewery."Natural music" echoing the collection is indispensable for the sake brewing of Komachi Sake brewery as one of the raw materials.Sake is not what a person makes but what an organism produces.Focusing on maximizing the fermentation power.In "complete fermentation" that yeast will end the fermentation in a natural state,I'm brewing a "delicious relieved alcohol".The role of keeper of imperial archives is To make the fermentation environment of microorganisms involved in liquor fermentation more natural.While checking the data, While watching the face of liquor,We put emphasis on maximizing fermentation power.As a result, the body's feeling that the "umami" of rice swells reasonably, the feeling that it feels delicious in the mouth, the aftertaste from softness of water, soft and refreshing sake is brewed.

地下を流れる「清流長良川伏流水」を使用しています。 清流長良川は岐阜を代表する名水百選にも選ばれ、この清流からの伏流水は軟水であり、後味をやわらかくさらりと仕上がります。また昔からこの伏流水は、軟水でも発酵力が旺盛であるといわれている仕込水です。この仕込水を使用することで、水のやわらかさからくる後味スッキリとキレある酒になります。
“Nagaragawa undercurrent” Flowing underground water is used. The Nagara River is also selected as a 100-water representative of Gifu, undercurrent water in the clear stream is soft, the aftertaste is soft and smooth. This undercurrent of water has been said to have fermentation power with soft water. The use of this water makes refreshing sake.

所在地:〒504-0851 岐阜県各務原市蘇原伊吹町2-15
The Sakakura family who settled in Takegahana village, Mino country, began making sake brewing in 1738 to the seventh generation owner, Matakichi.The cold air of Ibaraki grated is full and the groundwater of the Nagara River in the clear stream springs abundantly and this area located in the center of the Nobi Plain Granded Zone. I focused on being the best for sake brewing.At that time the name of the alcoholic bean was "light red leaves."The palatable and mellow taste will be reminiscent of Mino 's autumn.The Nagaragawa River, famous for cormorants, is also characterized by not having a dam upstream.The flow of 158 km long will be broken into rocks, descending from the sea, forming a stagnation free of rivers.Meanwhile, clean ground water is brought to this whole area. As it is said that "sake is rice and water" from long ago, the good or bad of water has a direct influence directly on the quality of liquor. This is also evident from the fact that inscribed wildlife has been born in places with good water from long ago.Chiyogiku is located in Hashima-shi, between Kiso river and Nagaragawa rivers. In this area, it is said that water in the Kiso river system in the case of relatively shallow wells, water in the Nagara river system when it becomes 100m or more underground, and water in the Ibi river system if you dig down more than 200m. The water for sake brewing of Chiyogiku is the underflow water of the Clearflow Nagara river pumping up from underground 128 meters. Calm and other clean inorganic ingredients moderately containing this name is creating a unique mellowness of Chiyogiku.

鵜飼で有名な長良川は、その上流にダムをもたないことも大きな特徴です。 延々158kmの流れは、岩に砕け、瀬を下りながら、よどみなき大河を形成する一方、清浄このうえない地下水をこの地一帯にもたらしています。昔から、「清酒は米と水」と言われるように、水の良し悪しは酒の良し悪しに直接大きな影響を与えます。このことは、昔から良水のあるところに銘醸地が誕生しているということからも明らかです。 千代菊は、木曽川と長良川に挟まれた羽島市にあります。この地域では、比較的浅い井戸の場合は木曽川水系の水、そして地下100m以上になると長良川水系の水、さらに200m以上掘り下げると揖斐川水系の水となると言われています。千代菊の酒造用水は、地下128mから汲み上げる清流長良川の伏流水です。カルシウムなど、無機質を適度に含んだ清らかなこの名水が、千代菊ならではのまろやかさを生み出しています。
It is also a big feature that the Nagara River which is famous for Ukai does not have the dam in the upstream. The flow of the 158km is crushed by the rock, it descends, the river is formed, and the underground water is given to this region. Water has a direct effect on the taste of liquor, as it is said that sake is rice and water. It is clear from the fact that Jyouji ground has been born in the place where there is a Raizumi from ancient times. “Chiyogiku” Chrysanthemum is located in Hashima City, sandwiched by Kiso and Nagara River. In this region, in the case of relatively shallow wells Kiso basin water, and more than 100m underground water in the Nagara Basin, dig over 200m and become Ibi river water. “Chiyogiku” liquor uses the water of the Nagara River from the underground 128m. This water, including calcium, make a mellow taste.

所在地:〒501-6241 岐阜県羽島市竹鼻町2733番地
濃尾平野の最北、伊吹山の麓にある岐阜県大垣市。この地に明治35年、渡辺酒造醸は創業しました。創業から100年以上経った現在も地元の方々に愛され続けるため、”この地”“この蔵”でしか出せない味にこだわり、追求しています。そして、創業者 渡邊角次郎さんの時代から、代々酒造りと真摯に向き合ってきました。4代目の杜氏 渡邊愛佐子さんは、先代の技術を受け継ぎながら、自分にしか出来ないお酒、飲んでいただけた方に美味しいと言ってもらえるお酒を追求しております。 大垣は古くから、豊富な湧き水と数多くの清流が流れていることから「水の都 大垣」と呼ばれており、渡辺酒造醸でもその湧き水を使用しています。「名水あるところに名酒あり」といわれるほど、日本酒にとって水は欠かせないものです。近年、奥長良川にある高賀山から湧き出た天然水「高賀の森水」も使用し、新たな酒造りも日々行っております。
The northernmost of the Nobi Plain, Ogaki-shi, Gifu Prefecture, at the foot of Ibukiyama. Watanabe sake brewery was founded in this place in 1908. Because it keeps being loved by local people now even after more than 100 years since its establishment, I am pursuing and sticking to the taste which can only be displayed in "this place" and "this storehouse". And since the time of Mr. Kadojiro Watanabe, the founder, I have been seriously dealing with sake making for generations. Mr. Aisako Watanabe of the 4th generation, pursuing sake which inherits the skill of the previous generation, you can say that alcohol you can do only for yourself, who you can drink is delicious. Ogaki has been called "water capital Ogaki" since it has flowed abundant spring water and numerous clear streams, and Watanabe Sake Brewery uses that spring water as well. Water is indispensable for Japanese sake so that it is said that "there is a famous place in the place where there is a famous place". In recent years, we also use natural water "Takaga no Mori Water" that springs from Takagi Mountain in Oku Nagara River, and we also make new sake making on a daily basis.

所在地: 〒503-0015 岐阜県大垣市林町8-1126
TFounder of Hananomai, Taka IchiSaburo started the sake making industry at Mt. Ryuu Arata Village Miyaguchi in 1864, the former Yuzuji era of the late Edo period. In 1986 is 11 years after Perry arrived in Uraga, four years after Sakuradamon Incident , three years before the Great Government Refugee. Brands of Hananomai are derived from dedication dance "Hananomai" flowing from the ancient times to the Tenryu River family. "Flower" represents a flower of rice which serves as a source of life and pray for bumper crops. "Hananomai" thinks sake making as much as child rearing. I think that you can do convincing sake making just by pouring affection and raising mercy. The necessary condition for this is to start with examination and purchase of the top quality raw material rice, to improve the facilities of the store, including Master brewer, Training skills and teamwork.After a history of trial and error exceeding 1,000 years, Nippon sake brewing establishing unrivaled brewing law in the world. We will also introduce new technologies while basing on the technology and spirit that these pioneers have built.

Water is also part of the liquor ingredient, it is also used for fermentation. We need a large amount of water in various processes, the best soft water for sake making is required. "Hananomai" behind the are the mountains of the South Alps exists as a natural dam, they are making liquor Using a lot of natural groundwater.

所在地:〒434-0004 静岡県浜松市浜北区宮口632
Edo period Kyoho It is the only brewery store in Aichi Prefecture, which lasts from 1830. As a Shinto shrine 's Shinto shrine visited by Shingota Shrine and Tokugawa shogunate that also appears in the diary of the 16th Night, he has kept the tradition for many years.

所在地: 〒491-0051 愛知県一宮市今伊勢町馬寄山之小路19
Okazaki-shi, with Shibata Shuzo is located in a mountain at an altitude of 350 meters, is blessed with clear air and abundant mountain water, the best mountain river for sake making. We use the natural well water "Jin Shui" which flows out from the mountain for all processes of sake making from washing rice to preparation.
It is said that "Washi is a good sake" from long ago. In Kura Kuran, the Kuran people make their feelings one and we are working together on sake making together..

所在地: 〒444-3442 愛知県岡崎市保久町神水39番地
濃愛知県西尾市の幡豆地区は、三河湾国定公園に指定され、眼前に広がる大海原には“前島”、“沖ノ島”といった小島が点在し、 変化に富んだその美しさは“東海の瀬戸内海”とも称されています。 創業以来、この地を舞台に営々と酒造りひと筋に歩んできた造り酒屋です。 幡豆の豊かな自然が育んだ水と、澄んだ空気、そして独自の酒造りノウハウのハーモニーから生まれた製品群の数々は、主力ブランド「尊皇」、「尊王」をはじめとして酒販店、消費者の方々から高い評価をいただいています。
The Hazu area in Nishio City, Aichi Prefecture is designated as Mikawa Bay National Monument Park, and small islands such as "Maejima" and "Okinoshima" are scattered in the ocean which spreads before our eyes, its beauty which is varied is "Seto in Tokai It is also called "sea". Since its foundation, it is a brewery shop that has been walking in a lot of sake brewers with this place as a setting. A product group born from Harmony's rich nature-raising water, clear air, and original harmony of sake brewing know-how is a major group of products including liquor stores, It has received high praise from.
Alcohol is a gift from the culture. We will continue to talk with nature, and we will continue to dialogue with people of drinkers, we would like to deliver richer taste.

所在地: 〒444-0703 愛知県西尾市西幡豆町柿田57
知多の酒造りは元禄元年(1696年)当時尾張藩の御用商人であった木下仁右衛門が保命酒と呼ばれる薬用酒をつくり、壷に入れて献上したのが始まりといわれています。元禄十年ごろから江戸への出荷が始まり、知多は一大産地へと発展していきます。澤田酒造株式会社 社長 澤田 薫さんは、愛知県常滑にある澤田酒造の社長。2015年10月、お父さまの研一さんから引き継がれました。
Chita's sake brewery was said to be the first year of Genroku (1696) that Kinoshita Ninemon, who was a merchant of the Owari clan at that time, made medicinal liquor called a wine drink and donated it in a pot. Shogun to Edo began around Genroku around 10, Chita will develop into a major production area. Mr. Kawakazu Sawada President Sawada Shuzo Co., Ltd. is President of Sawada Shuzo Co., Ltd. in Tokoname, Aichi Prefecture. In October 2015, I was handed over from my father, Kenichi.

所在地: 〒479-0818 愛知県常滑市古場町4-10

アーケードの商店街にあり古い商家のようなたたずまいの平井商店。正面の大きな暖簾で隔てられた奥は、実は日本酒の仕込み蔵になっています。冬、酒造りのシーズンにお店に入ると、よい香りが漂ってきます。 銘柄は「浅茅生(あさぢを)」といい、後水尾天皇の皇子・聖護院宮道寛親王から賜った和歌から命名されました。 創業は万治元年(1658年)。 当時大津は琵琶湖の湖上交通の要衝であり、物流の中継地として栄えてきました。 また「大津酒」という言葉があるほど酒造りも盛んでした。 それから350年余り、代々襲名してきた八兵衛の名前を継ぐ当主の平井さんは17代目、そして、娘 弘子さんが18代目です。平井さんは商社マンとして海外勤務を経験した後に家業を継ぐことを決意し、自ら杜氏の修行を始めました。今でこそ滋賀では珍しくない蔵元杜氏の先駆けともいえます。
Hirai shop located in the arcade's shopping district and an old trading house like noodle. In fact, the back separated by a large goodwill in the front is stocked with sake. In winter, when entering the shop during the sake brewing season, a good fragrance drifts.The brand name was called "Asaki (Asaki)" and was named after Waka sang from the royal prince, Empress Empress Shogoin Miyamichi. Founding was the first year Moshiharu (1658). At that time, Otsu was a key hub of Lake Biwa Lake Traffic and prospered as a relay point for logistics. The more the word "Otsu sake" was, the more sake brewing was flourishing. Since then, over 350 years, Hirai, the owner, who succeeds the name of Yaubei who has been attacking generations, is 17th generation, and Hiroko Daughter is 18th generation. Hirai decided to inherit family business after experiencing overseas work as a trading company man and started training himself. It can be said that this is the forerunner of Saison Bashi who is not rare in Shiga.

所在地: 〒520-0043 滋賀県大津市中央1-2-33
伊賀忍者の里、松尾芭蕉生誕の地として知られる三重県伊賀地方は実はおいしい米と水の故郷です。その地に位置する森喜酒造は、すべて手造りの少量生産。それゆえに希少価値も高く全国の美酒マニアたちに注目されている蔵元です。また、酒造りの前に米作りと考えております。特に純米酒の原料は米だけですので益々原料米の影響が表れます。原料米の選択はもちろんですが、どのような米作りがなされているかを見極め選択するのもつとめだと考えています。 酒造りに使用する米はすべてを見極めえるのは不可能に近いのですが、小社専務 森喜るみ子さんを中心に山田錦を作っております。お酒造りのかなめである麹造りの責任者が森喜るみ子さん。名前を聞いたことがあるようなと思われた方はかなり通の方です。漫画「夏子の酒」(講談社)で知られる尾瀬あきら先生みずから命名しラベルを書かれた「純米酒 るみ子の酒」のモデルなのです。
The Iga region in Mie Prefecture, known as the site of the Iga Ninja village, Matsuo Basho's birth place is actually home to delicious rice and water. Mori Kisaka located in that place is all handmade small volume production. Therefore it is also a rare worth brewer who is high in rare value and attracted attention to beauty wine maniacs all over the country. Also, I think that making rice before sake making. Especially raw rice ingredients are only rice, so the influence of raw rice is more visible. As well as choosing raw material rice, I believe that it is also a matter of course to decide what type of rice making is being made and to select it. It is close to impossible to find out all the rice used for sake brewing, but Yamada Nishiki is made mainly by Mr. Rikiko Mori, Managing Director. Ruko Mori is responsible for koji making which is the keystone of sake making. Those who seemed to have heard the name are quite passable. It is a model of "sake of pure rice wine sake" named and labeled by Mr. Akira Oze known for manga "Natsuko no sake" (Kodansha).

所在地: 〒518-0002 三重県伊賀市千歳41-2
いつも当蔵のお酒をご愛飲いただき、誠にありがとうございます。六代目蔵元の娘で技師をしております長谷川聡子と申します。当蔵では女性の蔵人は私がはじめてのことで、入蔵より今日まで杜氏の指導のもと「いつか自分のお酒が造りたい」という想いを胸に酒造りの勉強をしてまいりました。このたび、蔵元、杜氏の許可を得て、私が仕込みをまかされたお酒『さとこのお酒』を発売することになりました。 小さな酒蔵の娘が造ったお酒ですが、皆様に味わっていただければ幸いです。 これからも、酒造りに励んでまいりますので、よろしくお願いします。
hank you very much for always having drunk this alcoholic wine. My name is Satoko Hasegawa who is a daughter of the sixth generation Kuramoto who is an engineer. In the warehouse, I am the first to be a women's clerk, I have been studying sake making with my heart that I want to make my own sake someday under the guidance of Mr. Toshi from today's collection. Today, with the permission of Kuramoto, Dusan, I decided to release sake "Sato no Ru" that I was charged with. It is a liquor made by the daughter of a small sake brewery, but I would be pleased if you could taste it. We will continue to strive for sake making, so please take care.

所在地: 〒640-8328 和歌山県和歌山市吹屋町5-13-1

明治2年(1869年)に佐藤家6代目の嘉兵衛が酒造業を始めました。当時の銘柄は「白雪」。それが何故「十(じゅうじ)旭日」に改名されたのか。その理由は、明治40年に山陰地方巡行の大正天皇(当時は皇太子)に随行された、木戸孝正侍従長への献上酒が”天下一品の美酒なり”と賞賛され、「旭日」の揮毫を受けたことにはじまります。また七代目当主、文造が日蓮宗の霊場である能勢の妙見山を篤く信仰しており、妙見の紋章「矢筈十字」をお守りとして大切にしていました。この十字と旭日が合わさり、「十旭日」という銘柄が誕生し、今日まで大切に使用しております。 「十旭日」が代表銘柄の旭日酒造は、島根県出雲市にて、お酒を醸されています。蔵元の娘 寺田栄里子杜氏を中心に、ご主人、蔵人の人々が、がっちりとスクラムを組み、みごとなチームワークで酒を醸されます。 その酒質は、質実剛健とでもいうのか、中心を貫く凛々しい酸がその骨格を形成し、強く、およそ女性杜氏が醸しているような趣はありません。これは使用する水が超硬水であることも起因するのかもしれませんが、とても安心できる酒質です。
In 1869, Kaei, the sixth generation of the Sato family, started the brewing business. The brand at that time was "white snow." Why was it renamed to "Ten Juji Asahi"? The reason is that in the Meiji 40 year the Meiji era emperor Taisho (Prince Crown Prince of Japan) was accompanied by Takamasa Kido Tamashita Chief of the Chamber of District Courtesy offered "a sake of the taste of the best" was admired, It starts with receiving. In addition, the seventh generation owner, Bungei faithfully believed in Nomi mountain mountain which is the sanctuary of Nichiren Buddhism, cherished the emblem of Myomi "Yaginare Cross" as an amulet. This cross and the Asahi day combine, the brand name "Ten-Asahi" is born, we use carefully until today. "Asahi Sun" is the representative brand of Asahi Shuzo is drunk in Izumo City, Shimane prefecture. Masters of Kuramoto, Eriko Terada, the master of Kuran, who plays a solid scrum, and is drunk with amazing teamwork. Whether the alcoholic be called qualityfulness or health, a brilliant acid that goes through the center forms its skeleton, it is strong, and there is no taste like that female Du brews about. This may be due to the fact that the water used is super hard water, but it is quiet quality alcoholic beverage.

所在地: 〒693-0001 島根県出雲市今市町662
創業明治 29 年。戦国時代の多くの大名や武将の争奪の的となった石見銀山の玄関口である、島根県大田市の中心部に位置しております。 良質の酒米はもちろん、特に水にこだわり、雄大な三瓶山の麓から湧き出る伏流水を抗酸化力の高い水にして仕込みに使用しております。 熟成後醸し出した新酒の風味を出来るだけそのままの状態で味わって頂くために、瓶燗方式(生酒を瓶詰めした状態で加熱処理)による火入れ後、急冷・冷蔵貯蔵し品質管理に努め、熟練杜氏の技術を継承した蔵元の若夫婦が中心となって酒づくりをしております。
Founding Meiji 29 years. It is located in the center of Ohda city, Shimane prefecture, the gateway to the Iwami Ginzan, which became the battleground for many Daimyo and warlords of the Warring States Period. Of course not only for good quality sake rice, but also sticking to water, we use underflow water springing from the foot of the majestic Sambe mountain as water with high antioxidant power to prepare. In order to have the taste of the new sake brewed after aging as it is as it is, after burning by the bottle type method (heat treatment with sake brewed), after quenching and refrigerating storage, striving for quality control, striving for quality control A young couple of Kuramoto who inherited technology is the center and making sake.

所在地: 〒694-0064 島根県大田市大田町大田ハ271-2
Founded Since the Meiji era, the small warehouse "Yachiyo Shuzo" that is built at the mountain village of Hagi has only Yoshida's own theme "Yamada Nishiki" which was cultivated reduced pesticide in its own field and well water flowing from long ago I am aiming for the storage of Domaine.

所在地: 〒34-0073 山口県萩市大字吉部下3306