女性杜氏 岩瀬 由香里氏富山県黒部市の東部のまち、生地(いくじ)。50メートルほどで富山湾を臨み、
Ikuji is a town in the eastern part of Kurobe City,
Toyama Prefecture.
It is in this town, located at the lowest reaches
of the Kurobe River, overlooking Toyama Bay
at a distance of 50 meters,
that the Mikunihare Sake Brewery was started in 1882.
ake Brewery was started in 1882.
Ikuji is a town in the eastern part of Kurobe City,
Toyama Prefecture.
It is in this town, located at the lowest reaches
of the Kurobe River, overlooking Toyama Bay
at a distance of 50 meters,
that the Mikunihare Sake Brewery was started in 1882.
ake Brewery was started in 1882.
創業以来、北アルプスの雪解け水が地下を100年かけて湧き出ている水を、仕込水として、酒造りを続けています。 時代の流れを取り入れながらも、昔ながらの手法を大切に、「毎日気軽にのんでいただける美味しいお酒」をお届けしたい。 蔵人たちはこの気持ちを持って毎日酒造りに取り組んでいます。これが、皇国晴酒造が大切にしている酒造りのこころです。
Since its establishment, the brewery has continued to brew sake using water from the melting snow of the Northern Alps that has been gushing underground for 100 years as the brewing water.
We want to deliver “delicious sake that can be enjoyed easily every day,” while keeping up with the trends of the times and respecting traditional methods.
This is what the brewers strive for every day.
This is the heart of the sake brewing process that we at Mikunihare Sake Brewery value.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Since its establishment, the brewery has continued to brew sake using water from the melting snow of the Northern Alps that has been gushing underground for 100 years as the brewing water.
We want to deliver “delicious sake that can be enjoyed easily every day,” while keeping up with the trends of the times and respecting traditional methods.
This is what the brewers strive for every day.
This is the heart of the sake brewing process that we at Mikunihare Sake Brewery value.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
お届け日、時間帯は 指定できませんのでご注意ください。
ご購入セット数により 送料が異なりますのでご注意ください。 ◎949円〜の送料(北海道、沖縄除く)で お届けします。 ◎送料を含めた最終金額をご購入後、 メールにてお伝えします。 ◎北海道、沖縄は+560円の別途送料がかかります。 離島などお届けできない地域がございます。 ◎常温でお届けいたします。
〈お支払い〉 クレジットカード、銀行振込、代金引換が ご利用いただけます。 ◎ご依頼主様とお届け先が異なる場合は クレジットカード払い、銀行振込を ご指定ください。 ◎お支払い方法については、 ショッピングガイドをご覧ください。 |