
Kondo Sake Brewery is a small brewery founded in 1878, the only remaining brewery in Niihama City, Ehime Prefecture.
It is located near Tsuzurafuchi, which was selected as one of the 100 best waters of the Heisei era.
The soft soft water drawn from a deep well 110 meters underground and sake rice produced by contract farmers in Niihama City are used to brew Niihama's only locally brewed sake.
Kondo Sake Brewery is a small brewery founded in 1878, the only remaining brewery in Niihama City, Ehime Prefecture.
It is located near Tsuzurafuchi, which was selected as one of the 100 best waters of the Heisei era.
The soft soft water drawn from a deep well 110 meters underground and sake rice produced by contract farmers in Niihama City are used to brew Niihama's only locally brewed sake.

その経験回数を増やすために始めたのが、小タンクでの製造でした。 ロットを小分けにすることで手間は掛かりますが、年に一回しか経験できなかったところを数回行えるというメリットがあります。 更に、少量で作るということはその分冒険が可能となり、お客様のニーズに合わせた特徴のあるお酒を多く造ることができるのです。
There are aspects of the production process that can only be learned through experience.
However, sake is originally made only once a year, so even if you continue to make sake for 30 years, you will only have 30 experiences.
In order to increase the number of experiences, we started production in small tanks.
Although it is more time-consuming by dividing the lot into smaller lots, it has the advantage of allowing us to experience the process several times a year, whereas we could only experience it once a year.
Furthermore, making sake in smaller quantities means that we can be more adventurous and make more distinctive sake that meets the needs of our customers.
We mainly make savory umaguchi sakes that can be enjoyed with meals and that allow you to taste the flavor of the rice.
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その経験回数を増やすために始めたのが、小タンクでの製造でした。 ロットを小分けにすることで手間は掛かりますが、年に一回しか経験できなかったところを数回行えるというメリットがあります。 更に、少量で作るということはその分冒険が可能となり、お客様のニーズに合わせた特徴のあるお酒を多く造ることができるのです。
There are aspects of the production process that can only be learned through experience.
However, sake is originally made only once a year, so even if you continue to make sake for 30 years, you will only have 30 experiences.
In order to increase the number of experiences, we started production in small tanks.
Although it is more time-consuming by dividing the lot into smaller lots, it has the advantage of allowing us to experience the process several times a year, whereas we could only experience it once a year.
Furthermore, making sake in smaller quantities means that we can be more adventurous and make more distinctive sake that meets the needs of our customers.
We mainly make savory umaguchi sakes that can be enjoyed with meals and that allow you to taste the flavor of the rice.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

お届け日、時間帯は 指定できませんのでご注意ください。
ご購入セット数により 送料が異なりますのでご注意ください。 ◎949円〜の送料(北海道、沖縄除く)で お届けします。 ◎送料を含めた最終金額をご購入後、 メールにてお伝えします。 ◎北海道、沖縄は+560円の別途送料がかかります。 離島などお届けできない地域がございます。 ◎常温でお届けいたします。
〈お支払い〉 クレジットカード、銀行振込、代金引換が ご利用いただけます。 ◎ご依頼主様とお届け先が異なる場合は クレジットカード払い、銀行振込を ご指定ください。 ◎お支払い方法については、 ショッピングガイドをご覧ください。 |