
Tamba, Hyogo Prefecture, where Nishiyama Sake Brewery is located, is a land of rich nature surrounded by beautiful mountains and rivers. Our philosophy is to create and offer products produced in this blessed environment in a form that meets the diversifying needs of our customers,
Our philosophy is to create and provide products produced in this blessed environment in a form that meets the diversifying needs of our customers, and we strive to do so on a daily basis.
Tamba, Hyogo Prefecture, where Nishiyama Sake Brewery is located, is a land of rich nature surrounded by beautiful mountains and rivers. Our philosophy is to create and offer products produced in this blessed environment in a form that meets the diversifying needs of our customers,
Our philosophy is to create and provide products produced in this blessed environment in a form that meets the diversifying needs of our customers, and we strive to do so on a daily basis.

西山酒造場がある兵庫県丹波は日本三大杜氏の1つ「丹波杜氏」発祥の地。代表銘柄「小鼓」は、俳人・高浜虚子にその名を受け、以来蔵は門下・画人が集う文化サロンとなっていました。この舞台となった主屋、塀、 三三庵(ささあん)は、国の登録有形文化財に登録されています。主屋は、瓦ぶき木造二階建て、1891年(明治24年)頃の建築、江戸中期の丹波地域の特徴的な住宅様式を伝え、現在は店舗となっています。三三庵は、伝統の上に新しい創意を加味して作られており、「小鼓」が「古くからの手造り・小仕込での酒造りを継承する中、斬新なボトルやラベルと融合させて新しい酒文化を提唱する」とする精神に脈々と受け継がれております。
Tamba, Hyogo Prefecture, where Nishiyama Sake Brewery is located, is the birthplace of the Tamba Toji, one of Japan's three great toji (master brewers). The representative brand “Kozutsumi” was named after the haiku poet Kyoshi Takahama, and since then the brewery has been a cultural salon where his students and painters gather. The main building, the wall, and the San-San-an, which were used as the stage for this event, are registered as a Tangible Cultural Property of Japan. The main building, a two-story wooden structure with tiled roof, was constructed around 1891 (Meiji 24), and conveys a residential style characteristic of the Tamba area in the mid-Edo period. San-San-an is built with new creativity on top of tradition, and is a continuation of the spirit of Kozutsumi, which advocates a new sake culture by combining the traditional handmade, small-batch sake brewing with innovative bottles and labels. In 2020 (2020), it was designated as an important landscaping structure by Hyogo Prefecture.
For sake brewing, spring water from the “Chinju Tensen” well on the premises is used, and in addition to Hyogo's famous Yamada-Nishiki, locally produced Hyogo-Kitanishiki and Tajima-tsugyoku are actively used.
In addition to sake, the company offers a wide variety of new products such as liqueurs and spirits.
Tamba, Hyogo Prefecture, where Nishiyama Sake Brewery is located, is the birthplace of the Tamba Toji, one of Japan's three great toji (master brewers). The representative brand “Kozutsumi” was named after the haiku poet Kyoshi Takahama, and since then the brewery has been a cultural salon where his students and painters gather. The main building, the wall, and the San-San-an, which were used as the stage for this event, are registered as a Tangible Cultural Property of Japan. The main building, a two-story wooden structure with tiled roof, was constructed around 1891 (Meiji 24), and conveys a residential style characteristic of the Tamba area in the mid-Edo period. San-San-an is built with new creativity on top of tradition, and is a continuation of the spirit of Kozutsumi, which advocates a new sake culture by combining the traditional handmade, small-batch sake brewing with innovative bottles and labels. In 2020 (2020), it was designated as an important landscaping structure by Hyogo Prefecture.
For sake brewing, spring water from the “Chinju Tensen” well on the premises is used, and in addition to Hyogo's famous Yamada-Nishiki, locally produced Hyogo-Kitanishiki and Tajima-tsugyoku are actively used.
In addition to sake, the company offers a wide variety of new products such as liqueurs and spirits.

お届け日、時間帯は 指定できませんのでご注意ください。
ご購入セット数により 送料が異なりますのでご注意ください。 ◎949円〜の送料(北海道、沖縄除く)で お届けします。 ◎送料を含めた最終金額をご購入後、 メールにてお伝えします。 ◎北海道、沖縄は+560円の別途送料がかかります。 離島などお届けできない地域がございます。 ◎常温でお届けいたします。
〈お支払い〉 クレジットカード、銀行振込、代金引換が ご利用いただけます。 ◎ご依頼主様とお届け先が異なる場合は クレジットカード払い、銀行振込を ご指定ください。 ◎お支払い方法については、 ショッピングガイドをご覧ください。 |